We are a non-profit professional body representing management consultants in Singapore. Our prime objectives are to promote the skills and knowledge of management consultancy, and the adoption of the highest standards of conduct by members of the management consulting profession.
January 1, 1992
The Institute of Management Consultants (Singapore) (IMCS) was registered with the Registrar of Societies on 9 October 1992. It replaced the Association of Management Consultants (AMC) formed in 1986, with members comprising the major consultancies, including the consulting arms of all the big accounting firms.
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January 1, 2007
In September 2007, the Practising Management Consultant Certification Board was set-up as an independent body under IMCS to pilot the Practising Management Consultant (PMC) certification scheme.
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January 1, 2008
This industry-led initiative for the certification of management consultants was launched in November 2008 as a quality trust scheme to provide some level of quality assurance on the consultants being engaged. IMCS contributed in terms of expertise to the development and pilot implementation of the PMC certification scheme. Many of the IMCS members also supported the scheme by joining the first batches of certified PMCs.
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January 1, 2012
In January 2012, the PMC Certification Board along with the PMC certification scheme was officially transferred from IMCS to the Singapore Business Advisors and Consultants Council (SBACC), a new independent not-for-profit body for business consultants and advisors with wide representation from industry bodies and government agencies.
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January 1, 2016
In July 2016, IMCS launched the Registered Management Consultant (RMC) certification, an Enterprise Singapore-recognised certification program aligned to the TR:43 Management Consultant Standard.
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To be an internationally recognised authority for the development and certification of all professional management consultants in Singapore.
To be world-class resource partner and centre of excellence and innovation for management consulting knowledge and practices in Singapore.
We adhere to and uphold the highest levels of ethical and professional conduct.
We make value-added contributions to the business community and national development efforts.
We adhere to our social responsibility to our members, the community and the nation.
The management of business and affairs of the Institute is vested in a Council that is elected bi-annually by members of the Institute.
To review applications for CMC, conduct assessment interviews of CMC applicants and recommend the eligibility of applicants for certified membership to the Council.
Chairman: Prof. Alex Siow
Members: Prof Khong Poh Wah, Dr. Adrian Chew, Mr Ernest Seow, Mr Philip Kee & Mr Andy Lim
An independent Board whose roles are to set the policies and guidelines for RMC certification, assures the quality of the certification system and approve RMC applicants that meet the requirements.
Constituted under the Board are four Panels – Certification, Continuous Professional Development, Quality Assurance and Examination, and Impartiality and Disciplinary.
Chairman: Prof Alex Siow
Members: Prof Khong Poh Wah, Dr. Adrian Chew, Mr Ernest Seow, Mr Philip Kee & Mr Andy Lim
Part of a Global Consulting Network
IMCS is a full member of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI). Through our membership with ICMCI, Certified Management Consultants have reciprocal recognition in the U.S.A., U.K., and 48 other member countries worldwide. Only members of ICMCI can award the Certified Management Consultant (CMC) qualification.
Visit www.icmci.org for more information on ICMCI.